Memory Guide (2023–2025)

Kuvituskuva: Nainen halaa vanhempaa naista ulkona.

The aim of the project is to create an operational model that enables the support of over 65-year-olds with memory disorders and their family members from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. The project target groups are primarily German, Russian and Estonian speakers.  

The idea of the model is to recruit volunteers (Memory Guides) to provide information to people in their own community so as to be contact persons for memory related questions. The aim is that the Memory Guides will encourage the community to discuss memory diseases and strengthen their ability to seek help for memory related issues. It is also important that the volunteers experience interesting activities, gain new knowledge and receive wellbeing from volunteering as a Memory Guide.   

The project will support cooperation between local memory associations and multicultural organisations, as well as arrange education and produce materials for culture-sensitive memory work. 

The new model will be developed in cooperation with associations, volunteers and people with memory disorders and their family members.  

For more information:

Ida Mitchell
tel. 044 727 7401
Muistiopas-hanke; eri kieli- ja kulttuuritaustaisten muistisairaiden ja läheisten tukeminen, monikulttuurisen muistityön kehittäminen ja vahvistaminen (suomi, svenska, English)

Sven Claes
tel. 044 731 3176
Muistiopas-hanke; eri kieli- ja kulttuuritaustaisten muistisairaiden ja läheisten tukeminen, monikulttuurisen muistityön kehittäminen ja vahvistaminen (suomi, svenska, Deutsch, English)