Memory diseases :: Muistiliitto

Memory diseases

Memory diseases

The estimated number of people with memory-related diseases living in Finland is 193 000. Approximately 14 500 Finns develop Alzheimer's or a related disease yearly. Presently there are approximately 7 000 Finns with memory disturbances under the age of 65.

Finnish memory work

These poster have been presented in international conferences held by Alzheimer Europe and Alzheimer's Disease International.

Global information

Read about memory-related diseases in Alzheimer Europe's and Alzheimer Disease International's websites. AE and ADI are the umbrella organizations of The Alzheimer Society of Finland.

Useful information can also be found in the webpages of Alzheimer's Society and Alzheimer's Association.

For more information:

Katariina Suomu
tel. 050 567 6445